Study Guide for the Restricted Operator Certificate with Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A)

Study Guide for the Restricted Operator Certificate with Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A) RIC-21 1 1. Intent The intent of this document is to provide study information for the ROC-A. Restricted Operator Certificates are issued for life and no revalidation is required. Contact your local district office of Industry Canada if your certificate is lost or requires replacement

. 2. Background An ROC-A is required by operators of radiotelephone equipment on board aircraft and at aeronautical land (fixed and mobile) radio stations using aeronautical mobile frequencies. The radiotelephone equipment at such stations shall be of a type that requires only simple external switching, has a power output not exceeding 250 watts effective radiated power (e.r.p.) – equivalent to 400 watts peak envelope power (PEP) – and where all frequency-determining elements are preset within the transceiver.

3. Candidate Requirements 3.1 Exam Examinations for the ROC-A are to be conducted by examiners accredited by Industry Canada. These examiners are typically individuals who are engaged in the aeronautical industry. Please visit Industry Canada’s website at to find an examiner nearest you. The examination may consist of written, practical and oral exercises. The candidate must satisfy an examiner that he or she: • is capable of operating radiotelephone equipment; • possesses a general knowledge of radiotelephone operating procedures and of international regulations applicable to the aeronautical service, specifically those regulations relating to the safety of life; and • possesses a general knowledge of the Radiocommunication Act and the regulations made thereunder.

3.2 Eligibility There are no nationality or age restrictions as to who may take the examination or hold an ROC-A. Candidates must attest that they do not have a disability that would impair their ability to operate a radio station safely.

3.3 Documentation Identification must be presented at the examination. A valid passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, citizenship certificate or landed immigrant identification card will all be accepted as proof of identity, at the discretion of the examiner. Study Guide for the Restricted Operator Certificate with Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A) RIC-21 2

4. Regulations 4.1 Priorities of Communications - Aeronautical Service The order of priority for transmission of messages in the aeronautical service is:

1. Distress communications.

2. Urgency communications.

3. Communications relating to radio direction-finding.

4. Flight safety messages.

5. Meteorological messages.

6. Flight regularity messages.

7. Messages relating to the application of the United Nations Charter.

8. Government messages for which priority has been expressly requested.

9. Service communications relating to the workings of the telecommunication service or to communications previously exchanged.

10. All other aeronautical communications.

4.2 Privacy of Communications Radio operators and all persons who become acquainted with radiocommunications are bound to preserve the privacy of those communications. In accordance with subsection 9(2) of the Radiocommunication Act, no person shall divulge the contents, or the existence, of communications transmitted, received or intercepted by a radio station, except as permitted by the addressee of the message or his/her accredited agent, or to authorized officials of the Government of Canada, officers of the court or an operator of a telecommunications system as is necessary to forward or deliver the communication. These restrictions do not apply to a message of distress, urgency, safety or to messages addressed to “ALL STATIONS” (i.e. weather reports, storm warnings, etc.). As outlined in section 9.1 of the Act, any person who violates the privacy of communications is liable, on summary conviction, in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both, or, in the case of a person other than an individual, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars.

Study Guide for the Restricted Operator Certificate with Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A)