This comprehensive software quiz program contains over 1200 questions covering the required subjects for the Transport Canada Private Pilot written examination (PPAER) for aeroplanes, the Transport Canada Recreational Pilot Permit (RPPAE) for aeroplanes and the Student Pilot Air Regulations Exam (PSTAR). Each area of study is divided into easy to manage chapters that make studying a breeze.
Additionally, we have added two printable workbooks to help you with Aircraft Weight and Balance and Aircraft performance for free.
Correct or incorrect answers are automatically displayed and percentages are calculated upon completion.
This comprehensive software package contains more than 1200 questions covering weather, navigation, air law, CAR's, airmanship and more.
Bonus - learn the Phonetic Alphabet using the Flashcard Quiz.
Bonus - become an expert at acronyms and Transport Canada abbreviations using the 300+ Flahcard program.